our Acquisition

Acquire - transform - Manage


Our strategy is simple yet powerful. We identify hotels not realising their full potential, often constrained by outdated models or under-utilised spaces. Leveraging our expertise and insight, we acquire these properties with a clear purpose in mind: to transform them into dynamic hubs of modern living.

Property type

+ Hotels, BNB’s, Pensions and hostels
+ Buildings with hotel license and build permits
+ Building complexes ranging from 1.000 to 3.000m2 in size
+ Without operator/lessee

Location (Primary)

+ In Netherlands
+ Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and Eindhoven
+ Smaller cities with ±250k hotel nights per year
+ In urbanised areas within cities

Location (Secondary)

+ In Germany, Spain and UK
+ In cities with 2 mln+ hotel nights per year
+ In urbanised areas within cities